Medical acupuncture involves the use of fine needles inserted at specific points throughout the body in order to relieve pain, improve function, or to help 'reset' nerves, muscles or joints. The therapy usually involves the use of just a few needles and often a gentle electrical stimulator will be applied to the needles to help achieve the desired effect. The entire procedure is tailored to be comfortable and pain-free. Dr Joel uses acupuncture as a tool along with Chiropractic treatment.
Concussion Management
Concussions are mild brain injuries that can occur after any injury that involves a whiplash motion of the neck, not necessarily after a hit to the head, as commonly thought. Concussions can cause various issues, including headaches, dizziness, visual issues, neck pain and memory loss. Symptoms usually subside within a couple of weeks, but if not managed properly, the issues can persist months or even years in some cases.
Dr. Joel is trained in the management of concussions, based on the latest evidence and guidelines. Treatment can involve education, manual therapy, minor lifestyle changes, and rehabilitative exercises for the head and neck, the visual systems or the vestibular systems.